I have a nasty habit of viewing the lives of those i admire and think that if i had what they have / did what they do / valued what they value that i would have an admirable life as well.
Sometimes i really wish it could be as easy as that, and sometimes I'm grateful that it simply doesn't work that way.
Right now i feel like I'm on the verge, and weather i take flight from this point or end up falling and being spattered against the rocks below will be decided by how I approach making my life something that my dreams are made of. I believe the best way to do this is to become more present in all aspects of my life, and so i have outlined some goals for myself for this summer.
(1) I have big projects to do around my house, but before i can think about attempting them I must clear out what is unnecessary from my home and organise those things that remain.
(2) I want to loose some weight and i want to feel healthy and energized and treat my body with the respect it deserves, and i am becoming more aware of what i eat (I plan to go on some sort of dietary cleanse as a way to give myself a fresh start in this endeavor) and exercising in a mindful and loving manor.
(3) I want to loose some weight, but i don't want to want to loose some weight. I want to shift the way i think so i am seeking out supplemental materials that promote a present mind and engaging in activities that allow me to practice being present.
These are broad explanations for the steps I believe it will take to find my voice. I call it finding my voice because i want to take that spark of the eternal that is inside of me and go forth in all i do from that place. My beliefs and standards are subject to change, but no mater song i want to be sure that it is clear who is singing.
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