Tuesday, November 20, 2007

somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good

Things have been going really well for me lately. This partly has to do with with an apparent shift in my outlook on life which allows me to see that it isn't how others behave so much as the way i act and react that is important. And while internally I feel that I'm treading on new ground, it's also true that everything is coming up roses on the ground upon which i currently tread. I've been living with a sense of total, true contentment and haven't been troubled with thoughts about what may or may not come my way in the future... until now.

When i checked my e-mail just now I found out that the new season of Big Brother is likely to begin in February! Reading further i saw that there will be open casting calls in my town!! I am going to try to make it to the casting (not because i want to try out for the show, but because i want to see all the people who want to try out for the show) and not to start thinking 'can things get any better?'

Because when you get right down to it, even if things all go to shit at least i have three months of top quality reality TV to look forward to!