Wednesday, September 12, 2007

obsession * music from a commercial

I first heard the band Hem while watching television in real time, unable to skip commercials, and saw this Liberty Mutual ad featuring the song Half Acre.

After my first exposure I would stop scanning between program breaks each time I noticed the commercial (and was alone), listen to the song and try not to cry. When the ads stopped airing I had to go out on a limb and get the album.

When I love one song by an artist listening to their entire album is always risky. If the rest of their songs are horrible of course I am disappointed, and sometimes the other songs are so horrible that I end up liking the original song a lot less. Fortunately Hem’s album Rabbit Songs was so good that I got their album Evening land as well. The songs I like the best sound like once loved lullabies, forgotten until they are heard and all at once become familiar.

At the moment I’m obsessed with listening to them while drinking coffee in the morning. Starting the day with lullabies feel decadent and a little sneaky, like eating cake first thing after waking up.

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