Friday, January 2, 2009

it's all around us

I'm a very happy girl.  So this whole idea to look for the joy that surrounds me sounds good, but it may be just a little to inside my comfort zone.  It is the spreading the joy that is the hard part, especially since those who I believe really need the joy are the ones who also make me the most angry.  And then i get to thinking that I can't make anyone happy, and I know that's the truth.  But I also don't have to horde my joy when I allow frustrating individuals to get all up in my craw.  When i get frustrated like that I can feel the joy being sucked out of me, but I know whats really happening is me wringing the joy out of my self.  So maybe I shouldn't try and spread anything.  Maybe I should just try and sit with what comes my way while holding the joy i have collected in my heart.