I am so pissed off today.
Over the past six months i've experienced several episodes of moodiness that turned out to be episodes of PMS. As I linked my mood to my cycle the PMS related irritability decreased because I could tell myself that it was all hormones and would subside in a few days.
This, though, is not PMS.
I don't know what has set this off but it's like there is a grouchy tornado spinning inside my chest screaming to be set free but refusing to leave when I try and let it go.
Maybe it's because I but my tung which now feels like it's twice its normal size. The pain has actually effected my speech and ability to swallow. I've noticed that i've been clenching my teeth to avoid an unpleasant run-in between the two.
Clenching your teeth can't be good for your mood.
What ever. People just better stop answering "it's spelled just how it sounds" when asked to spell their name. Because you know what sound my brain makes when it thinks of your name? G-O-F-U-C-K-Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F
...oh ha ha blogger, sending me an error report is so funny right now.
I know I'm being sarcastic, but I'm really not in the mood for irony right now.